Video Marketing Benefits For Local Businesses

30 September 2020

The Benefits of Using Videos For Local Businesses

Every Local Business, no matter what product or service that they provide for the locality in which they live or work can benefite from the use of a video on their websites. Videos can be used to promote Brand Awareness, Offer a Unique or specific service or simply to inform people about a product, or range of products that they produce.

There is an old maixim that stated that an image is better than a thousand word, but the truth is that nowadays people expect much more that a simple image, they expect All of the information all at once and well produced, professional quality video is the best way of serving that need.

However, most businesses which serve mainly a local area or district do not have the expertise or time to even contemplate undertaking such a venture as trying to produce their own promotional video, and if they do they are usually of very poor quality and generally create a negative view of the company rather than the intended objective of prmoting their product or service.

Local Video SEO Experts

This is where the Local Video Marketing specialist can can really make a difference by having the ability, experience and equipment to produce high quality vidoes to improve a businesses brand image by way of producing a targeted video explainer or advertorial targeted at the specific brand, product or service of the company.

Video advertorials can be targeted at a specific Local area which will rank very highly in the search engines because of the way in which Googletm  give preference to local Search results. For example if someone is searching google for a local Locksmith  in Hebden bridge then you will find a Lisiting of many of the locksmiths in that area, and if you use a YouTube video with the title 24 Hour Locksmiths in Hebden Bridge you will it probably ranks high on the first page of google. Or alternatively if you already had a listing on the first page of google then usung a video on your website would ensure that visitors would stay on your website longer and probably choose your comapny in preference to a business which did not have a video on the website.