example page-1-listing on google

Rank on Page 1 Of Google with Video Pages

18 June 2017

How to Rank on Page 1 of Google Secrets Revealed.

best price of a Social MediaThat’s a very bold statement by any standards and its been causing quite a stir within the SEO marketing community.  For over 3 years we at Habazar and our sister company Eye2Eye-Marketing have been able to consistently rank our clients businesses on the first page of google for some pretty competitive keywords, especially on the Local Search results which is where the vast majority of all internet search are made.

We have been asked many times to reveal our secret formula how to be number one on google search engine , or the software we use to achieve these results, but the secret has been closely guarded except to a few other people with whom we worked to develop the strategy.

I was lucky enough to know a very talented applications developer who had been trying to duplicate some results he had been achieving manually and he wanted me to help test some new software he had just created to automate the process. Of course I would help ! who wouldn’t !

To cut a very Long story short, after about 4 Months of trial and error, many late nights (some all nighters included),  and literally hundreds of modifications and updates later he and our small team of testers finally got it all to work consistently and produce the results we had been looking for.  I am pleased and honoured to have been a part of that process.

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How does this system create the 1st Page on Google Listings ?

We create very special videos using the software, then apply some very sophisticated coding in the background,  apply our specialist knowledge of how the search engines work, and then put the software to work to create a set of unique videos and webpages that we can then rank in the first page of google.

example page-1-listing on google
An example of one of our own listings on the first page of google

You can Challenge us to get Your Company on the 1st page of google !

You can challenge us. Yes, we are open to challenges. Let us prove to you that we can do what we say what we can and let us reveal  how to get on the first page of google in 24 hours for your business.


There are only a very limited number of people in the World today lucky enough to have access to this brilliant tool and we are one of those lucky people. There are a few developers who have since developed similar systems, but there are NONE which can equal the system we have, I know because I have bought them all and tested them and not one of them can come anywhere close to what we Have.

SO; what does all this mean to our clients at Habazar and Eye2Eye-marketing ?

Well, you are in a very good place right now because we are now able to get YOU GUARANTEED 1st Page listings for your business on the Google Search Engines !!

To learn more about how we can get YOUR Business on to the first page of Google the you MUST visit our website by clicking HERE or fill in the form below and one of our team will be pleased to give you more information
