EAR WAX REMOVAL in Borehamwood

19 November 2020

Your guide to ear health and conditions

yes. a comprehensive sight test includes checking the health of the inner and outer parts of the eye.
even if you’re happy with your vision it’s worth having a regular check-up. eyes can be affected by a number of conditions which may be picked up early through a sight test, giving it less chance of affecting your vision.

Here�s how professional earwax removal is done.

unless excessive earwax is causing problems for you pain, reduced hearing, or any of the other problems mentioned above you can leave it alone.
but many people consider removing the wax a regular part of their hygiene routine. and several common removal methods such as using cotton-tipped swabs or ear candles can do harm, but no good.
if you want to get rid of some of your earwax, consider the following:

the good news: you can get your excess earwax removed by a doctor. the bad news: it will likely be pretty uncomfortable.
there are two main methods that doctors use to remove impacted earwax.
one method is manual removal. this involves using forceps, a scraping instrument called a curette or a suction device. during the procedure, the doctor inserts one of these tools into the patient’s ear and attempts to manually remove the impacted mass of earwax. depending on the severity of the impaction and the shape of the patient’s ear, manual removal can involve some level of discomfort or pain.


there are a few contraindications to irrigation earwax removal, if you have an ear infection you should not have the procedure. if you have a perforation of your eardrum or have a history of perforations of your eardrum you should not have the procedure. if you have a history of dizziness you should ensure that you tell the professional. so the contra-indications are as follows:

too much wax in your ears can cause discomfort, impair hearing and cause infections. cotton swabs and other ear cleaning solutions can be both painful and dangerous! now, there’s a better way!
the smart swab is a new and innovative ear cleaner. it is a patented ear wax removal tool which allows you to clean your ears safely and comfortably. unlike alternative ear cleaning methods, the smart swab is designed to remove earwax while reducing the risk of injuring the eardrum or impair hearing.

perhaps wiggling a cotton tip in each ear is part of your daily ablutions.
perhaps you subscribe to your grandmother’s remedy of cleaning your ears with warmed oil or delicate wire implements.
or maybe you’ve seen an ad for professional earwax removal and wondered if you should include it in your semi-annual round-up of visits to specialists like doctors and dentists.

if the earwax blockage is more significant, it may need to be removed at your hearing care professional’s office. hearing specialists typically use one of two methods to remove earwax: irrigation or curettage.
irrigation is the most common method your hearing specialist will use to remove blockages. unlike at-home earwax removal kits, your hearing professional may use stronger earwax removal medications in conjunction with irrigation. carbamide peroxide is typically the main ingredient in these medications.

updated oct. 16, 2012 10:50 am et
ears are supposed to be self-cleaning. so what’s behind the fascination some people have to help nature along?
some 12 million americans visit medical professionals annually for earwax removal. millions more have it done at spas and ear-candling parlours, which theoretically suck out earwax with a lighted candle. north Americans also spent $63 million last year on home ear-cleaning products, from drops to irrigation kits, according to market research firm Euromonitor international.

How will these ear wax removal drops help to treat my built-up earwax?

if you have any pain in your ears or any discharge from them, do not attempt any treatment at home, but see your gp.

most people tend to use ear wax softening drops as the first option for wax removal. these may soften the wax enough to aid the natural expulsion from the ear. there are many ear drops on the market. some proprietary drops may be harsh to use, particularly if the person has sensitive skin or any skin condition such as eczema or psoriasis. sodium bicarbonate ear drops can also be effective but again some people find them very drying.

there are several different earwax removal treatments available.
the main treatments are:
ear drops

several times a day for a few days to soften the earwax so that it falls out by itself
ear irrigation � a quick and painless procedure where an electric pump is used to push water into your ear and wash the earwax out

earwax removal drops are a treatment for waxy build-up in your ears. if you’re struggling with a blocked ear that filled with earwax, these drops can help to break down hardened wax, making it easier to remove. perfect for those suffering from stubborn ear wax and looking for a way to remove it easily.

UK Ear Wax Removal Specialists

we ensure our customers can receive fast and efficient ear wax removal treatments right across the UK, that’s why we’ve partnered up with some of the top audiologists in the country. just enter your postcode below to quickly find your nearest clinic and get the hearing you deserve today!
we do not store your information, your postcode will remain secret!

our testimonials mean the world to us. when we hear what a customer has to say about the ear wax removal specialists, it inspires us to continue what we do. it’s very rare that somebody leaves an unhappy one and we would like to keep it that way! let us know if you had a good experience with us so others can too!

What causes ear wax build-up?

if you think you have a build-up of ear wax, do not try to remove it with your finger, cotton bud or anything else you could put in your ear.  this can cause damage and push the wax further into your ear. as a general rule, never try to put anything into your ear which is smaller than your elbow!

all clinics are run by fully trained and qualified nurses specialising in ear wax removal in your local pharmacy store.
method of wax removal this is a quick and painless procedure where an electric pump is used to push water into your ear and wash the earwax out.

speak to a pharmacist about earwax build-up. they can give advice and suggest treatments.
they might recommend chemical drops to dissolve the earwax. the earwax should fall out on its own or dissolve after about a week.
do not use drops if you have a hole in your eardrum (a perforated eardrum).

it’s difficult to perform a full hearing test when there is a build-up of wax in the ears.
it can produce inaccurate test results and obstructs the view to the eardrum in order for your hearing care professional to accurately assess your hearing.
it also creates issues when you need to have an ear mould impression taken, or have hearing aids fitted.

ear wax and your hearing
ear wax is a naturally occurring substance in healthy ears, but it is quite common for the wax to build up in the ear canal and can impair hearing.
how do I know if I need ear wax removal?
sometimes you may not even know you have a wax build-up or you may have a feeling of fullness in your ears, or you may have difficulty hearing. you can visit any bay audiology clinic, and we can look into your ear and tell you if you have wax that needs removing. some people build up wax very quickly and require regular wax removal.

  • there are a number of causes for ear wax build-up:
  • some people naturally create a lot of ear wax
  • producing hard or dry ear wax
  • narrow or hairy ear canals which link the opening of the ear to the eardrum
  • age, because ear wax becomes drier as we get older
  • bony growths in the ear canal

if you think you have a hearing loss, the first thing you need to do is book a hearing test at your local branch. the cause may be a build-up of wax or an infection that has temporarily affected your hearing, in which case one of our hearing aid audiologists can advise you on the best course of action.