What causes acute ear infections?

16 September 2022

What causes acute ear infections?

Suffering from acute ear infections? An ear infection happens when some kind of bacterial or maybe viral infection concerns the middle ear, the part inside the ear which is just behind the eardrum. Ear infections can be painful due to inflammation and fluid build-up in the middle ear.

Ear infections can be chronic or acute. It is often unclear to doctors what patients mean when they complain of an ear infection. Therefore, doctors need to ask detailed questions about the patient’s exact symptoms at the time of infection to understand whether the patient’s problem is actually acute otitis media.

In our experience at The Microsuction Earwax Removal Network, the vast majority of patients who report an ear infection and ear pain are usually not experiencing acute otitis media. Their earache is usually related to headaches or temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

Occasionally, some patients may develop acute otitis externa. Because ear canal infections are usually accompanied by significant pain and discharge, it is easier to distinguish this condition from acute otitis media, in which pain and discharge occur sequentially.

acute ear infections

Middle ear infections are usually the result of a malfunction of the Eustachian tube, a canal that connects the middle ear with the throat. The Eustachian tube provides pressure equalisation between the outer and middle ear. When this tube is not working properly, it prevents the normal drainage of fluid from the middle ear, resulting in a build-up of fluid behind the eardrum.

If this fluid cannot drain, bacteria and viruses can build up in the ear, which can lead to an acute middle ear infection. The symptoms of a middle ear infection can be similar to other illnesses or medical problems. Always consult your child’s doctor or The Microsuction Earwax Removal Network for a diagnosis.

Acute otitis media is an acute middle ear infection that can be viral and/or bacterial in origin. Audiometry: a test of hearing that includes determining hearing levels, the ability to distinguish between different sound intensities, the ability to distinguish speech from background noise, and other aspects.

Impedance audiometry (tympanometry), and pure tone audiometry are two of the most commonly used tests for audiometric assessment. Autoinflation: A technique in which the Eustachian tube (the tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose) is reopened by increasing the pressure in the nose.

Studies show that more than 80% of children are diagnosed with at least one middle ear infection (acute otitis media) before the age of three. Although the incidence of ear infections has declined over the past decade, thanks in part to pneumococcal vaccination, 16 million children still need to see a paediatrician every year.

Children under 2 are particularly at risk because their immune systems are still developing and their Eustachian tubes – the tube in each ear that drains normal fluid from the middle ear to the back of the throat – are narrower and more horizontal.

Acute otitis media, also known as middle ear infection, affects children in their first years of life. Every second child has had three attacks by the age of 3. It is characterised by effusion in the middle ear and ear pain or fever. In a large prospective cohort study in England (13,617 children), more than one-third of preschool children visited a doctor because of ear pain or ear discharge.

Accurate diagnoses of acute otitis media can be difficult in young children. It is often overdiagnosed in primary care and can lead to unnecessary antibiotic use. Recent changes in primary care, prompted by Covid-19, have shown that not all children with suspected acute otitis media need to be treated in a health centre.

In a typical ear infection, the middle ear (behind the eardrum) becomes inflamed and fills with fluid. This is called otitis media. Most acute or short-term ear infections usually go away on their own. When they come back, they are called recurrent. Recurrent ear infections can lead to a build-up of fluid in the middle ear that does not go away. In this case, it is called a chronic or long-lasting ear infection.

A middle ear infection is common in infants and young children. The National Institute of Health estimates that five out of six children will get at least one ear infection before they are three years old. Your child can get an ear infection when a virus or bacteria infects the eardrum and traps fluid behind it.

This extra fluid causes pain and a bulging of the eardrum. The most common signs that your baby has an ear infection are crying, irritability, pulling on the ear, difficulty feeding, discharge from the ear and fever. Your paediatrician can diagnose an ear infection by examining your child’s ear.

What is an ear infection? There are a trio of ear infections which present most often: acute middle ear infection (otitis media): This is when one’s middle ear is inflamed, swollen and there is fluid behind the eardrum. There may be ear pain, often with fever. It can be the result of a cold and is usually caused by bacteria or viruses. Middle ear infection with effusion (Ome): Fluid that is not infected remains in the middle ear space and can occur after an ear infection. It usually clears up within a month or a little longer. There may be no symptoms, but the doctor can see the fluid with a special instrument. Acute otitis externa (AEO): This type of middle ear infection affects the outer ear and ear canal and is also called otitis externa.

A middle ear infection (acute otitis media) is an infection of the middle ear. Another condition that affects the middle ear is otitis media with effusion. It occurs when fluid accumulates in the middle ear without infection and without fever, earache or pus accumulation in the middle ear.

Infections can affect the middle ear in several ways. They are: acute otitis media – this middle ear infection comes on suddenly. It causes swelling and redness. Fluid and pus settle under the eardrum (tympanic membrane). Fever and earache may be present.

Chronic otitis media: This is a middle ear infection that does not go away or keeps coming back for months or years. The ear may drain (fluid drains from the ear canal). It is often accompanied by perforation of the eardrum and hearing loss. Chronic otitis media is usually not painful. Middle ear infection with effusion: After an infection clears up, fluid (effusion) and mucus accumulate in the middle ear. It may feel like the middle ear is full.

Acute and chronic ear infections.

The symptoms of a chronic middle ear infection usually occur as “flares”, which can happen after an upper respiratory infection or another ear infection, or when too much water gets into the ear. Unlike acute otitis media, which is known to be painful, chronic otitis media usually does not cause any noticeable pain (although some people have pain in one or both ears).

The most common symptoms are: Discharge of pus from the ear and sleep disturbances. It is important to see a doctor immediately if you have symptoms of acute otitis media or chronic otitis media, as untreated infection can cause significant damage to the ossicles and lead to hearing loss.

In healthy children, research has shown that ear infections sometimes clear up on their own, even without treatment. Especially in older children, parents may observe them for two to three days. If the symptoms improve, it is not necessary to take the children to the paediatrician.

Of course, if in doubt, the paediatrician should always be consulted. For infants below six months, we advise antibiotic treatment for all acute ear and middle ear infections. If there is no improvement in the infection after 48 to 72 hours, antibiotics are recommended. Symptoms that do not resolve or improve within two to three days of the onset of the ear infection should be cause for concern.

An infection of the middle ear, the air-filled space behind the eardrum. The most common form of ear infection is otitis media. It is caused by inflammation and infection of the middle ear. The middle ear is located directly behind the eardrum. An acute ear infection starts within a short time and is painful. Ear infections that last for a longer period of time or recur are called chronic ear infections.

Acute otitis externa – also known as swimmer’s ear – is an infection that occurs in the ear canal. Acute otitis media – infection of the middle ear below the eardrum caused by bacteria or viruses. These infections can cause a hole to form in the eardrum and pus to leak out of the ear.

Middle ear infection with effusion: This condition is also called serous otitis media and is due to an accumulation of fluid in the middle ear after an ear infection, cold or allergy. This fluid can affect hearing and balance but does not cause pain or fever.

What are the symptoms of acute otitis media in children?

Irritability (they are fussy) Crying that doesn’t stop Decreased activity Fluid leaking from the ear Vomiting Diarrhoea Older children who can communicate better may complain of a feeling of fullness in the ears, popping when swallowing, dizziness, ringing in the ears or hearing problems.

When you take your child to The Microsuction Earwax Removal Network, they will examine the ear to see if there is an infection. If your child has an acute middle ear infection, the clinicians may not prescribe an antibiotic because mild ear infections usually go away on their own. In these cases, Tylenol or Motrin may be recommended to relieve some of the symptoms. If your child has a more severe case, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Acute otitis externa is a common condition where the ear canal becomes inflamed. The acute form is mainly caused by bacterial infections, with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus known as being among the commonest of pathogens.

Acute otitis externa is manifested by a rapid onset of inflammation of the ear canal, resulting in otalgia, itching, oedema in the ear canal, redness of the ear canal and otorrhoea. It often occurs after swimming or after minor injuries due to improper cleaning. A classic finding is a tenderness when moving the tragus or auricle.

acute ear infections

The sooner an acute ear infection is treated, the less likely it is to develop into a chronic condition. Make an appointment at our clinic at 999 Medical Centre, 999 Finchley Road, Golders Green, London, NW11 7HB if: You notice a discharge of fluid, bloody fluid or pus from the ear. The symptoms of an ear infection last longer than a day. You have extreme pain. Your child is showing symptoms and is under 6 months old. Your toddler or infant is showing symptoms after an upper respiratory infection or a cold.

The symptoms of a chronic ear infection are usually milder than those of an acute infection. Symptoms can be constant or intermittent and can affect one or both ears. Typical signs of a chronic ear infection are: mild to moderate ear pain fever low fever feeling of pressure behind the eardrum It is often hard to spot the symptoms of an inner ear infection in younger children. Babies may become more irritable, especially when lying down or pulling on the ear. Babies may also have altered sleeping and feeding patterns.

The main symptoms of an ear infection are acute ear pain and hearing loss. You will feel that your hearing is muffled or that you are experiencing hearing loss and may feel pain in the throat or fluid in the middle ear. If you have an ear infection, you may not necessarily see a colour change in or out of your ears.

The characteristic signs of a middle ear infection are pain and pressure in the ear and fluid leakage. They may be accompanied by a slight fever and hearing loss. Babies are often more nervous than usual, cry inconsolably, refuse to eat and have trouble sleeping. They may also pull their ears. In chronic ear infections, the symptoms may be milder. The sooner an acute ear infection is treated, the less likely it is to develop into a chronic disease.

The Eustachian tubes connect the ear to the nose and throat and are responsible for controlling pressure in the ear. Their position makes them an easy target for germs. Infected Eustachian tubes can swell and prevent proper drainage, leading to symptoms of middle ear infection. People who smoke or are around smoke may also be more susceptible to middle ear infections. There are the following types of middle ear infections: Acute otitis media: This type of middle ear infection usually occurs suddenly after a cold or infection.

Ear infections are one of the most common reasons parents take their children to the doctor. The most common form of ear infection is otitis media. It is caused by inflammation and infection of the middle ear. The middle ear is located directly behind the eardrum. An acute ear infection starts within a short time and is painful. Ear infections that last over a long period of time or recur are called chronic ear infections.

The Microsuction Earwax Removal Network have diagnostic clinics across Greater London, Herts and Bucks. We are right where you need us!


The post What causes acute ear infections? first appeared on The Marketing Tutor.